Courses and programs

PCOC Essentials


Welcome to eLearning module PCOC Essentials.

This module is to deliver an Australia-wide eLearning module related to the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration.

PCOC Essentials includes 3 streams:
1. Clinician:  Assessment Tools
For all clinicians involved in the palliative care of patients and their families/carers: medical officers, nurses and allied health professionals.
(20-30 minutes)

2. Manager: Implementing PCOC
For all managers, supervisors and educators involved in implementing the PCOC program.
(10 minutes)

3. Manager: Reports  
For all managers, supervisors and educators using the reports for quality improvement.
(5 minutes)

A certificate is issued on completion.


Complete the clinician stream to learn how to assess your palliative care patient using the five PCOC assessment tools. You will learn how to:

  • use the assessment tools correctly and consistently:
    • use the tools at appropriate time intervals
    • ask questions in the right way when using the tools to obtain the assessment scores
    • take appropriate action based on scores to plan the patient’s and the family/carer’s care.
  • communicate patient and family/carer needs throughout the patient journey using the PCOC assessment tools:
    • use the tools at triage, on admission, daily or at contact, at handover, and when documenting, escalating and referring.

Complete this manager stream to learn how to implement, embed and sustain PCOC into routine practice. You will learn how to:

  • recognise the value of PCOC and how it is used within a continuous quality improvement framework
    engage leaders, managers and clinicians in the PCOC program
    develop a plan for implementing, embedding and sustaining PCOC into routine practice
    incorporate the PCOC assessment and outcomes framework into standard policies, procedures and processes
    check enabling factors are in place every six months.


This module is designed for clinicians undertaking the PCOC assessment tools, and managers implementing and reporting on PCOC and may qualify for up to 0.8 hrs of Continuous Professional Development.