people consulting


Spot the early signs


  • People with lymphoedema are at a much higher risk of developing cellulitis than the general population.
  • Over 15,000 people per year in NSW could potentially be prevented from developing cellulitis.
  • Cellulitis costs NSW Health $66 million per annum in admissions alone.
  • Early intervention to enable patients with self-management is critical to prevent progression.

Allied health professionals have a critical role to play in identification, prevention and early intervention for lymphoedema across clinical areas. In particular occupational therapists (OT's) and physiotherapists (PT's) play key roles.

Two eLearning modules are available in My Health Learning for allied health staff to improve their awareness, knowledge and capability to provide basic education and early intervention for patients at risk of, or with, early stage lymphoedema:

Lymphoedema Awareness for Allied Health Professionals

Lymphoedema Early Intervention for OTs and PTs

Lymphoedema Webinars and other resources