people consulting

Physiotherapy Management of an Intubated and Ventilated Child requiring Suctioning


Physiotherapists treating patients with respiratory illness will often perform manual techniques and suctioning, in many cases, in an intensive care environment. Specific knowledge and skills are required in performing these techniques, given there are a range of risks and contraindications. This simulation aims to equip physiotherapists with the knowledge and skills to provide safe and effective treatment of an acutely unwell child using manual techniques and suctioning via an endotracheal tube (ETT). Clinical specialists and educators may find that they can adapt this simulation to suit physiotherapists treating adult patients. The scenario should be co-facilitated with at least one physiotherapist with specialist experience in managing an intubated and ventilated child requiring suctioning. The simulation should be conducted in a simulation centre where specialist equipment and technical support is available.

NOTE: While this simulation can assist in the development of new knowledge and skills, it is important that physiotherapists consult with their line manager, as well as review local policies and practice guidelines, prior to providing treatment to patients.

Supporting documents

Overview of the simulation
Simulation Scenario Development
Session Plan
Simulation Activity Running Sheet
Participant Briefing Notes
CICU Nurse Briefing Notes
Bedside Chart
Medical Record