people consulting

The Allied Health Education and Training Governance Guidelines: Resources element

Facilitating access to education and training is supported by allocation of human and financial resources.

For the Individual

What does this include?
Possible examples

Relevant education and training resources are shared

  • Provides feedback to colleagues from conferences and workshops
  • Maintains contact with colleagues through communities of practice and special interest groups and openly facilitates sharing of information

For the Manager

What does this include?
Possible examples

Allied health professionals have access to resources and training that support education and training

  • Allied health professionals are supported (financially and/or through time) to attend education and training which is relevant to their clinical specialty and/or service delivery requirements (in addition to essential training)

Allied health professionals have access to workplace-based learning activities where possible

  • Facilitation of workplace-based learning as appropriate

For the Organisation

What does this include?
Possible examples

Resources are in place that support education and training of allied health professionals both inter-professionally and within specific disciplines and specialty areas

  • An Allied Health Education and Training Plan is in place
  • The guidelines and measures are incorporated as core business
  • Education is provided that is relevant and corresponds to learning needs of staff

Allied Health educator positions are advocated for

  • Allied Health educator positions are in place

There is access to resources required to support workplace education and training

  • Allied health professionals are supported financially and/or through time to attend education and training (outside essential training) which is relevant to their clinical specialty and/or service delivery requirements
  • All staff have access to the internet and library services
  • Video/teleconferencing and webinars are accessible to enable participation in learning activities

Education and training trends across the organisation are monitored to identify common need areas

  • Resources allocated to identified needs analysis priority areas
  • Systems are in place for collecting data that informs education and training needs (e.g MHL, incident reporting systems, patient admission data)

In rural and remote organisations, access to professional development is prioritised

  • Resources actively allocated to professional development in rural and remote areas