people consulting

Use of the NSW Prevocational Assessment Form

The AMC requires that “health services ensure that intern assessment is consistent with the guidelines in Intern training – Assessing and certifying completion, and that interns must be assessed against the Intern training – Intern outcome statements.

For Prevocational Training Providers means that all assessments for   prevocational trainees will need to be completed using the new National   Assessment Forms adapted for NSW, from the beginning of the 2015 clinical year.

The AMC requires that Prevocational Training   Providers provide specific training in using the assessments forms to   all term supervisors. HETI has provided the resources below to   facilitate this process. By ensuring that term supervisors have either   read the communications, or viewed the PowerPoint presentations,   Prevocational Training Providers can be assured that this requirement   has been met.


Further information on this change can be found on the AMC’s website

For assistance please contact the HETI Program Coordinator, Dawn Webb on 9844 6554 or