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Changes that may affect the delivery of the program

The AMC states in the Intern training – National standards for programs that “the training program is required to document and report to HETI (as the intern training accreditation authority) changes in the program, units or rotations which may affect the program delivery meeting the national standards.

The HETI Prevocational Accreditation Committee needs to be informed of significant changes in a term or unit that may lead to a review of your accreditation status.

Reportable changes include:

  • Absence of senior staff with significant roles for more than 1 month e.g. DMS or term supervisor
  • Proposed significant redesign or restructure of health service that impacts on interns
  • Rostering changes that alter supervision or education
  • Resource changes that significantly reduce admin support or education availability

For Prevocational Training Providers this means that an internal process needs to be established so that HETI is notified of any changes that meet the stated criteria. Please see the resources below that outline the types of changes that are notifiable and the processes for this.


Further information on this change can be found on the AMC’s website.

For assistance please contact your HETI Prevocational Program Coordinator on 02 9844 6551.