Aboriginal Medical Workforce Mentoring Framework

Mentoring Framework

The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) has a strategic partnership with the Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) to improve outcomes for Indigenous medical education and training throughout our programs.

Since 2010, HETI has worked with AIDA to deliver the Aboriginal medical workforce recruitment pathway to prevocational training in NSW. For the 2024 clinical year HETI recruited 33 Aboriginal medical graduates to commence across NSW – 7 at rural home hospitals, 11 at based in regional networks and 15  based at metropolitan networks.

To support the ongoing success of the Aboriginal medical workforce in NSW during their prevocational training and to support them into training programs, please see the AIDA Mentoring Framework PDF, 1977.69 KB. The Framework policy was developed by AIDA’s members and advisers to guide medical education and training organisations in the establishment and delivery of mentoring programs that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students and doctors.